Kamis, 26 April 2018

Introducing the WeToken Project - Official Bounty Program

Hasil gambar untuk world wifi bounty

Hi ,, here I want to introduce some projects from World Wifi ..

Introducing the WeToken Project - Official Bounty Program
WeToken (WT) is a utility currency used in the platform World Wi-Fi
All transactions within the platform shall be made in WeToken.
1 WeToken = 10 ad impressions in World Wi-Fi = $0,1 – in ICO.

As of today, the market average of 10 ad impressions in Wi-Fi networks is trending at $0,3. This way, while in ICO, token is offered with a three-fold discount.
Will be issued in total
600 000 000 WT
Technical features of World Wi-Fi
World Wi-Fi has five advantages over the existing advertising networks.
Multilevel structure
For every ad, there might be several parties entitled for commission fee.

Hasil gambar untuk world wifi bounty

  • Commission fee is payable to the network
  • Extra commission fee may be paid to the partner (agent) who has connected the owner of the access point to the network
  • An agent may engage another sub-agent thus boosting his earning multiplied as more such sub-agents are involved. This capability is a great incentive for partners to connect extra access points to the network.
Supporting blockchain
The data in respect of tokens, transactions and ads is kept in the shared blockchain to ensure transparency and reliance between the network and relevant participants.

Token usability
Transactions are conducted with a virtual currency – utility tokens. Tokens are emitted in ICO (Initial Coin Offering). They may be converted into any world currency (fiat money) or cryptocurrency. Tokens are a virtual product for simple settlements and transactions.

Smart settings
The advertising network maintains the conversion statistics for the entire network of the connected access points. This allows the network to automatically select an access point (or a group of access points) which would appeal to the advertiser. The network also features the capability of setting a preference for the access points with the minimum cost of the ad approved for publication and to screen over the ads which are not suitable for the relevant audience as evidenced by the statistics findings (such as x-rated).

CPA/CPC models
The advertising network allows two types of transactions: Cost Per Thousand (CPM) and Cost Per Click (CPC). Under a CPM arrangement, the advertiser agrees to pay the publisher a predetermined amount for every 1,000 ad impressions served. CPC means that the advertiser pays the publisher each time one of their ads is clicked. In other words, the advertiser is paying for visitors sent to their site from the publisher’s site.

Hasil gambar untuk world wifi bounty

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