Senin, 30 April 2018

Crypto & Fiat Sint Global

Hasil gambar untuk sint global

Apa kabar rekan rekan sekalian, disini saya ingin berbagi informasi mengenai Sint Global..

SINT.GLOBAL adalah “platform untuk pelanggan” masa depan di mana seseorang atau perusahaan yang ingin memperoleh manajemen ekonomi yang nyaman akan berlaku di masa depan. Pada prinsipnya, ia menyediakan komponen penting dari ekonomi yang akan datang: penghematan dana, investasi, deposito dan perdagangan kredit akan menjadi cepat!
Bahwa preseden, sebenarnya yang ditujukan untuk masa depan, berarti, sebenarnya itu harus diwujudkan pada rantai (Ethereum blockchain) dengan token. Namun, perbedaan dalam rencana ini adalah bahwa itu sebenarnya selangkah lebih maju dari platform lain berdasarkan blockbuster. Ya, tentu saja, ada, tetapi, jika Anda melihat melalui Kertas Teknis, Anda mungkin tidak memiliki gagasan yang lebih jelas tentang hal ini.
Fitur Terbaru dari Sint.Global
Hasil gambar untuk sint global
SINTEZ menyediakan “platform desentralisasi revolusioner berdasarkan blockbuster”, yang dikemas sempurna untuk ekonomi masa depan. Terlepas dari ini, ia berjanji untuk menggabungkan ekonomi kuno techno-driven sekarang untuk melindungi anggotanya sendiri. Ini berarti, pada kenyataannya, bahwa itu wajib memperhitungkan fungsi-fungsi utama yang diinginkan di masa depan, meliputi ketentuan:
Kenyamanan terbesar
Berkualitas tinggi
Dalam dua kata, SINTEZ akan menjadi pemilik segalanya “di bawah satu atap”. Ini akan menjadi bank, bursa, pasar dan lainnya, semua terdesentralisasi untuk kepentingan umum pengguna ekosistem. Hal ini disebabkan oleh fakta bahwa hanya berkat ide ini, fungsi utama dari kenyamanan, produktivitas, produktivitas, dan tujuan lain dibuat menjadi kenyataan.
Perkembangan teknologi saat ini semakin membawa pada kemajuan dan tingkat faktor permintaan yang sangat sangat tinggi membuat perubahan dan kualitas teknologi semakin mudah dipahami.
Ini juga membawa peluang bagus untukn pertumbuhan dalam usaha dan bisnis semakin besar.
Sint.Global Yang Memiliki Fitur Fitur Terbaik :
Instant Payment, jadi pada instant payment memberikan kenyamanan pada klient
semakin lebih baik

Pada tingkat kontrol yang baik
Instant withdraw yang semakin memberikan kemudahan untuk pengguna
Responsible pada server
Tingkat pada jaringan dan biaya yang sangat rendah
Spesifik pada berbagai altcoin yang beragam rupa
Tidak adanya delay waktu pada saat widraw dan juga pembayaran yang semakin
membuat lebih nyaman.
Sesudah itu kita bersama blockchain semakin membawa pada tingkat integritas
dari jaringan yang terbaik.

Pertumbuhan pada saat ini dengan adanya inovasi pada berkembang teknologi yakni pada teknologi blockchain yang pada waktu ini cukup banyak pemberitaan yang memberikan manfaat diberbagai bidang industri dan bisnis yang mampu memberikan solusi di berbagai problem, kemudian pada tingkat keseimbangan pada jaringan yang cukup baik serta tingkat akselerasi yang bagus sehingga semakin bermanfaat besar di berbagai sektor untuk mewujudkan integritas pada pembangunan yang mengarah lebih baik, dan disini kami akan memperkenalkan sebuah terobosan pada peningkatan kualitas pada peningkatan pada cryptocurrency dengan kualitas terbaik sepanjang masa.
Keunggulan Sint. Global :

Akselerasi yang cepat dalam konfirmasi pada pembayaran yang bagus
Kemudahan dalam beroperasi dalam platfrom
Layanan servis yang bagus 24/7 responsible
Tingkat keamanan dan juga privasi  yang terjaga dengan baik
biaya yang di bebankan cukup rendah.

Perubahan didalam sistem platfrom yang semakin membuat kemajuan bisnis yang akan menjadi lebih baik, serta membawa peningkatan pada peluang yang baik didalam bisnis yang semakin lebih baik.
Ide terbaik Pengalihan aset cepat dan Tanggap
Sint.Global merupakan platform pertama yang menyediakan tiap transaksi pertukaran instan: Cryptocurrency ke Fiat dan Fiat ke Cryptocurrency.
Ini sepenuhnya didasarkan pada teknologi blockchain. Ini dibuat oleh tim pengembang dan manajer berpengalaman.

Hal ini memungkinkan transfer Fiat yang lancar atau Cryptocurrency apa pun dari setiap pertukaran Cryptocurrency di dunia ke akun Anda.
Setiap peserta dapat mudah bertukar Fiat ke Sin, Sin ke Cyrpto, Crypto ke Sin, Sin ke Fiat tanpa biaya menggunakan Sint Platform.
Fungsi dasar terbaik ini akan membuatnya menjadi alat perdagangan yang diinginkan di antara peserta pemain besar dan pemain kecil.

Untuk itu platform menjamin kecepatan, skalabilitas, dan keamanan proses transaksi karena pondasi yang terbukti kuat dan sangat stabil dalam bentuk jaringan Ethereum yang menjadi token berdasarkan sebagai alat yang sempurna untuk menghasilkan keuntungan dari arbitrase, itu akan menjadi mata uang untuk perantara yang tak tergantikan untuk mentransfer uang antar bursa.

Semua para peserta dan pedagang juga akan mendapat keuntungan dari pendaftaran token SIN pada semua pertukaran Cryptocurrency sebagaimana mungkin.
Satu-satunya cara untuk mendistribusikan SIN adalah ICO, selama itu 82% dari semua token akan didistribusikan dengan baik.
Info berita terkini berikut dengan datanya :
ICO dateMay 1 – 21 (23:59 CET)
ICO price1 ETH = 250 000 SIN tokens + BONUS
Token supply10 000 000 000
(all unsold tokens will be burned)
Exchange listingMain exchanges by June 2018
Token distributionSmart contract will transfer tokens
right after contribution
TeamProfessionals with substantial
Payment optionsETH Smart Contract
Fiat: USD, EUR
Referral and bountyReferral program with 10% bonus and
bounty program on BitcoinTalk

Proyek ini memiliki tim yang kuat dan berkualifikasi tinggi, yang menurut saya mampu membawa proyek ke tingkat tertinggi dalam waktu sesingkat mungkin dan saya berharap mereka berhasil.
Tim ini mencakup spesialis besar dari berbagai industri dengan pengalaman bertahun-tahun. Dengan peserta utama yang dapat Anda lihat di situs web resmi, di sana Anda juga akan menemukan tautan ke akun pribadi mereka di jejaring sosial.
untuk informasi lebih detail anda bisa kunjungi link :

Sint Global - Solusi Cemerlang Bagi Trader Crypto & Fiat

Hasil gambar untuk sint global

Apa kabar rekan rekan sekalian, disini saya ingin berbagi informasi mengenai Sint Global..

Ulasan singkat, kali ini, adalah tentang sebuah Pertukaran (Exchange) cryptocurrency dan mata uang fiat sekaligus. Soal apa itu Exchange tentunya sudah tidak asing lagi di telinga Kita. Para trader di dunia pasti membutuhkan Exchange untuk kegiatan tradingnya.

Studi Masalah.

Jika Kita amati, beberapa tahun terakhir para peminat cryptocurrency meningkat pesat. Mereka yang sudah memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman di dunia trading menambah asset milik mereka ke cryptocurrency bahkan ada yang berpindah total ke cryptocurrency. Tidak sulit untuk mencari data bukti akan kenyataan ini. Sejarah yang berbicara. Fakta yang membuktikan.

Sebuah akun pertukaran cryptocurrency adalah wajib bagi setiap investor untuk berpartisipasi dalam perdagangan. Perusahaan-perusahaan besar di bidang pertukaran cryptocurrency, seperti Binance, Poloniex dan lain sebagainya, tidak menyediakan pilihan cara deposit dengan menggunakan mata uang fiat tradisional sama sekali. Hal ini menimbulkan masalah mendasar bagi investor.
Untuk mengatasi masalah ini ada solusi sementara. Yaitu, dengan cara membeli asset cryptocurrency melalui pihak ke tiga kemudian mentransfernya ke pertukaran yang telah mereka targetkan. Tentunya solusi ini akan menambah masalah baru; seperti biaya transaksi (fee) yang ditetapkan oleh pihak ke tiga itu sangat tinggi. Sehingga dana yang telah dianggarkan untuk pertukaran terpotong oleh fee yang tinggi tersebut.

Solusi; Sint Platform. Exchange Cryptocurrency & Mata Uang Fiat Tercepat di Dunia.
Sint Platform akan memberikan solusi yang komprehensif bagi pengguna cryptocurrency yang jelas kurang di pasar saat ini. Ini akan menyatukan pasar keuangan dengan pasar cryptocurrency berkembang pesat dan membuatnya lebih mudah diakses untuk orang-orang biasa.

Proyek ini dikembangkan oleh penggemar blockchain dan orang-orang dengan pengalaman di sektor teknologi baru. Ini berarti adalah perpaduan bakat yang beraneka ragam dan saling melengkapi yang akan membantu kita mencapai sukses komersial.

Apa itu Sint Platform?

Sint bukanlah pertukaran seperti pada umumnya. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk menjadi pintu gerbang ke aliran aset antara investor dan pertukaran yang ada. Mendukung semua metode pembayaran online yang populer, memungkinkan investor untuk mengkonversi dana dari mata uang fiat menjadi cryptocurrencies dan sebaliknya dalam waktu yang sangat singkat.

Selanjutnya, Investor bisa langsung memperdagangkan assetnya melalui Sint Platform yang terhubung langsung dengan pertukaran. Jadi Investor tidak perlu lagi mentransfer asset mereka ke pertukaran (yang akan membuat assetnya terpotong oleh fee yang tinggi). Sint Platform adalah pintu gerbang, jaringan ekosistem asset digital yang terintegrasi.

Dalam rangka untuk secara efisien menghubungkan dunia mata uang digital modern dengan sistem perbankan tradisional dan lembaga keuangan, solusi ini diperlukan untuk meningkatkan komunikasi di antara mereka. Solusi Sint Platform adalah integrator unik bertindak sebagai pertukaran dengan konversi instan dana tradisional menjadi digital dan sebaliknya. Ini akan membawa banyak keuntungan bagi Investor. Cepat,Real Time, Instan, fee yang murah (bahkan akan menjadi tanpa fee jika pengguna Platform Sint memiliki Token SIN), dan aman dengan akses penuh tanpa pihak ke tiga karena menerapkan teknologi blockchain.


Sint Platform adalah alat dasar untuk pendatang baru dan investor berpengalaman untuk beroperasi di pasar cryptocurrency. Ini akan memungkinkan konversi dan transfer dana diadakan dalam mata uang apapun ke cryptocurrencies. Berkat platform, pengalihan aset ke pasar mata uang digital menjadi halus dan bebas repot.

Ini akan memungkinkan mereka untuk melakukan perdagangan ketika kondisi pasar yang menguntungkan. Ini juga akan memungkinkan mereka untuk dengan cepat menyadari keuntungan dari investasi cryptocurrency mereka dengan menarik modal dan mengubahnya ke dalam mata uang fiat yang dipilih. Yang paling penting, itu akan memberikan solusi yang komprehensif menjembatani kesenjangan antara dana terakumulasi dalam bank dan bursa cryptocurrency besar.

Token SIN.

Setiap pengguna akan dapat bertukar Uang Fiat ke SIN, SIN ke Crypto, Crypto ke SIN, dan SIN ke Uang Fiat tanpa biaya menggunakan Sint Platform. fungsi yang unik ini akan membuat alat perdagangan yang diinginkan di antara kedua peserta pasar yang besar dan pemain kecil. Platform dengan jaminan kecepatan, skalabilitas dan keamanan transaksi diproses berkat landasan terbukti dan sangat stabil dalam bentuk jaringan Ethereum yang menjadi dasar Token SIN.

Sebagai alat yang sempurna untuk membuat keuntungan arbitrase, itu akan menjadi mata uang perantara yang tak tergantikan untuk mentransfer uang antar sentral. Semua pedagang juga akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari daftar token SIN pada bursa cryptocurrency sebanyak mungkin.
"Satu-satunya cara untuk mendistribusikan SIN adalah pelaksanaan ICO, di mana 82% dari semua token akan didistribusikan."
Sekilas Tentang ICO Sint.

Token SIN berbasis ERC20.
Pasokan Token 10 000 000 000 (semua token yang tidak terjual akan dibakar)
ICO Berlangsung mulai 01 Mei 2018 sampai 21 Mei 2018.
Harga ICO 1 ETH = 250 000 token SIN + BONUS.
Opsi Pembayaran : ETH dan Uang Fiat: USD & EUR
Terdaftar di pertukaran akan terlaksana pada Juni 2018.

Bonus :

01 – 07 Mei Bonus 30%
08 – 14 Mei Bonus 20%
15 – 21 Mei Bonus 10%

untuk informasi lebih detailnya bisa anda lihat di :

penulis artikel : Sidhay33

XYO Network Blockchain has just entered the real world

How are my colleagues, here I want to share information about XYO Network Blockchain..


Integrated into the cryptoeconomy of the XYO network, it offers innovative tools to encourage XYO minors (crypto-localization miners) and Token Rebates, who promote healthy liquidity, low transaction fees and long-term value. term.


In order to reward those who purchase XYO tokens during the current tokens sale period, all chips that are not sold after the end of the Token Generation event will be burned; thus, the tokens that one buys during the sale become a limited, limited resource that benefits those who buy tokens during the sale.


During the token generation event, the XYO token uses the ERC20 token standard of the Ethereum platform. To ensure secure purchase of XYO Tokens, we have engaged a third-party company to verify the compliance of our Smart Contract with best practices.

Hasil gambar untuk xyo network

We live the future! It may not be easy to understand, but we even surpassed the year they traveled in the movie "Back to the Future", so for me it's official now. In recent decades, humanity has made great progress through science and technology in all areas of life. Many new opportunities are available to all of us, and because of that, the way we live our lives is changing. We now have access to the knowledge of all human history in our hands; communication is fast, available and almost free, the opportunity to learn new things is here thanks to the internet, the technology around us saves us time and gives us more free time to go as we see fit. But to take advantage of all these benefits, there was also the price to pay for anyone who wants to be part of this new civilization. Everything has become public, we share large parts of our life with complete strangers, and almost everyone can know where we are, what we do and what we love. It is difficult, if not impossible, to avoid paying this price.

Thanks to blockchain technology, a new era of progress is here, we can call it a decentralized revolution. Many uprising projects create a new reality in which we do not need to rely on central authority to control and gain insight into our lives. One of the most important projects and leaders of the decentralized revolution is to take our location data from the hands of the central authorities and to make ourselves independent. The name of this project is XY Oracle Network (XYO).

What is XYO?

XYO is a cryptographic location network based on the block chain, without trust and knowledge, which eliminates the need for centralized location data collection. XYO Network will locate any object or individual across many classes of devices and protocols. For that to be possible, the XYO team uses "Proof of Origin" and "Bound Witness" to merge the decentralized world of blockchain with our real-world data into a new game-changing network.

It may sound like something of the future, but as I told you at the opening of this article, we are living the future, and the XYO project is already available and ready for business. They have the existing operational infrastructure of 1,000,000 tracking beacons that represent one of the largest consumer Bluetooth and GPS networks in the world, and for the XYO project, this is just the beginning!

Even at first reading, it is not easy to understand all the technical details for someone without technical experience, I found XYO WHITEPAPER difficult and interesting. To simplify everything we could say, even that would not be 100% accurate, the XYO team has created an improved decentralized GPS system that is safer to use and less vulnerable to unwanted interference from third parties. Creating something of this magnitude and importance is a great success, and the potential commercial applications for the XYO project are numerous. For more information on possible use cases, XYO provides us with detailed explanations and documentation for all major:

For more information : 

website :
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Writer : Sidhay33
BitcoinTalk :;u=2054409
MyEth : 0xCC85881B95643023EA2a9B6B60c3A55A71aa4C42

XYO Network - the first oracle network on the Blockofain Proof network

how are you fellow colleagues ,, here I want to share information about XYO Network ...

The XYO Network is the first oracle network on the Blockofain Proof network. Join us in a decentralized, location-based trading market that reaches $ 11 trillion (more than 3 times bigger than e-commerce).


  • Location data is used throughout the day, every day around the world.
  • We are all becoming increasingly dependent on on-site data and on-going vehicles, unmanned drone shipments and smart cities will significantly increase their dependence in the future.
  • The biggest limiting factor that drives the world to a more efficient future technology today is our ability to trust location data.
  • The need for a hard-to-treat GPS supplementation system has been known for years - high precision and reliable GPS, but congestion, spoofing, cyber attacks, and other forms of distraction seem to increase the frequency and severity, have the potential to impact our lives and economic activities. "
  • The President of the RNT Foundation, Dana Goward t our current location technology is too weak to lead us into the future ...
The XYO Network is the answer to this problem.

The XYO network allows location-independent location data through technological ecosystems and the crypto-location protocols necessary to bridge the gap between today's world and the future world.


"XYO is the latest breakthrough in blockchain technology and can be bigger than the combined Bitcoin and Ethereum"

  • Often comes a new technology that changes our lives. When Thomas Edison invented the light bulb at the end of the 19th century, he enlightened the world. And we have not lived since then.
  • At the turn of the century, when the Wright Brothers were the first to fly, the way we travel the world changes. When the Internet became mainstream in the 90s, the whole world became connected.
  • And now there's new technology that will change our lives again ... and bring institutions like banks and governments to the point where they do it.
  • If you think that Bitcoin and Ethereum have rocked the world, you need to prepare yourself for what will happen next.
  • This new breakthrough will be bigger than the two together. This will change the lives of millions of people around the world and enter an untapped market worth more than $ 11 trillion annually.

When Bitcoin arrived in 2009, he changed the way people trade online. It makes online transactions safer, faster, and more efficient; Millions of people around the world are beginning to use and invest.

Today, the combined market value of all digital currencies is over $ 400 billion ... and some experts estimate that Bitcoin alone could reach $ 1 trillion by the end of this year.

But why did this revolution happen at all?

This is mainly because the technology that forms the foundation of everything - a breakthrough called "blockchain".

Blockchain, the fundamental technology underlying Bitcoin, eliminates the need for trust because it makes all transactions transparent, decentralized and secure. It really revolutionizes online commerce.

People can now make transactions without knowing "no trust" transactions. There is no need for a trusted third party to resolve the dispute. People can send money from one person to another without the bank in between.

XYO Token

General sign sales have a tiered pricing structure that starts at 1 ETH: 100,000 XYO and maxes out on 1 ETH: 33,333 XYO. Details about volume and price based on our time structure will be announced soon.

Smart contract platform: Ethereal

Contract Type: ERC20

Token: XYO

Token Name: XYO Network Utility Token

Token Address: 0x55296f69f40ea6d20e478533c15a6b08b654e758

Number of issuance: Limited and limited to the amount achieved after the Token Main Sale



XY Released Tracking of Tracking Device Land: "XYGPS"

XY launches the world's first GPS and Bluetooth hybrid device. XYGPS can report its location anywhere in the world where mobile data and GPS are available.

XY Releases XY4 + Device

XY released an XY4 + device that makes it capable of operating as an XYO Network node through firmware updates.

XY Crossed 1,000,000 Flags

XY device one million born.

Blockchain-Based Oracle Network XY Born

The development of moving the network platform from the internal XY location to the implementation of the open block started: The Oracle XY Network was born.


Q1 & Q2

XY Mints The first "XYO Token" Used for Intelligent Contracts to Access the XYO Network

The first XYO Token is created and represents the official currency to be used throughout the XYO Network.

XY to complete XYO in Test Network ("XY TestNet")

XY will complete the development of Oracle Testnet XY and begin launching location-focused blockchain protocols to its Sentinel device.


Q3 & Q4

XY will launch XY Oracle Main Network ("XY MainNet")

XY will launch the full launch of Oracle XY Network to XY the Sentinel beacon and start testing with new Sentinel partners (mainly IoT companies and mobile app developers).

XY to Complete the API for Intelligent Contract Developer to Interact with Oracle XY Network

The launch of the XYO Network API allows smart contract developers to write contracts to interact with XY networks. Library to be developed: Ethical Solidarity Library, Viper Ethereum Library, and JavaScript library for websites interact with XYO Network (similar to Web3.js integration with MetaMask).

XY will release XY Sticker-Based Tracker, which can be added to the eCommerce Package

Launch the "XY-Stick" product that allows eCommerce retailers to track each of their products in realtime.


XY to Develop a Sentinel Global Network Some Equipment Locations

Grow XY Sentinel coverage (location data provider and verifier) ​​and other components of Oracle XY Network (Bridge, Archiver, Burial).

XY to Launch SatoshiXY and VitalikXY LEO Satellite Sentinels

Shares will be sold on XY's Low Earth Orbit satellite; This bet represents ownership in the XYO Token award section.

XY to Businesses, Organizations, and Retail Companies that Have a Greater Use Case for Location Verification

Formalize business partnerships with larger companies and entities that can take advantage of decentralized and unreliable location instincts (eg logistics systems, supply chain companies, auditoras hours, eCommerce businesses, and countless other niches).


XY to Expand the Global Reach of Oracle's XY Network


For more information : 

website :
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Telegram :

Writer : Sidhay33
BitcoinTalk :;u=2054409
MyEth : 0xCC85881B95643023EA2a9B6B60c3A55A71aa4C42

Minggu, 29 April 2018


Hasil gambar untuk INVOX FINANCE

How are your colleagues all, here I want to share information about INVOX FINANCE..



About Invox Finance
  • The Invox Finance Platform is an invoice lending platform tapping into the US$2.8 trillion invoice financing industry.
  • The team at ABR Finance Pty Ltd is behind Invox Finance. ABR Finance is a successful invoice financing company and has helped fund businesses throughout Australia with A$30 million in invoicing.
  • ABR will also become the Invox Finance’s first customer, which allow for multiple sellers and buyers to test the Invox Finance Platform with ABR Finance as the reputable investor.
  • The key problem with traditional invoice financing is that the financier purchasing an invoice from the seller and advancing the funds against it does not have a direct relationship with the buyer. The financier solely trusts the information provided by the seller. As a result, the relationship between the seller and the buyer is not completely transparent to the financier, and therefore exposes the financier to a considerable risk of the invoice not being paid as agreed or disputed.
  • Summary of potential problems
  • The seller and the buyer may collude or conspire together to defraud the financier.
  • The seller may issue an invoice for a service that has not been fully completed or a product that does not comply with agreed specifications or requirements
  • The buyer may dispute the payment liability.
  • There are also issues with the complexity of the processes and the legal documentation involved. The preparation and execution of legal documents is laborious and costly and may involve a number of third-party providers.
  • The buyer may become insolvent and unable to pay for the invoices.
  • The seller, in breach of its agreement with the financier, may instruct the buyer to pay for the invoices directly to them and not return the funds to the financier.
The Invox Finance Model
  • We plan to disrupt and revolutionise the traditional invoice finance industry by implementing a global distributed peer-to-peer lending platform called the Invox Finance platform.
  • This platform will completely eliminate the need for a financier’s involvement by connecting businesses that wish to accelerate their cash-flow through selling their invoices, directly with investors who wish to finance these invoices.
  • Decentralized Platform
  • The Invox Finance Platform will allow sellers, buyers, investors and other service providers to directly connect, interact, share and distribute information.
  • Lower Rate For Seller
  • Sellers will be able to obtain financing at lower interest rates than those normally received from traditional financiers who operate outside the blockchain.
  • Dynamic Invoice on a Distributed Ledger
  • Dynamic invoices provide all parties with the ability to update invoice information in realtime, ensure immutability and manage sensitive information access.
  • Bringing All Parties Together
  • The Invox Finance Platform maintains trust and transparency between all parties through permissioned access, verifications, and an in-built reward system.
Direct Acces To Investors
  • The Invox Finance Platform will provide sellers direct access to individual investors. This new direct lending environment will benefit both sellers and investors.
  • A New Way Investors To Diversify
  • The Invox Finance platform will expose investors to loan products comprising of loan fragments from many diverse businesses across various industry sectors.
  • Reducing Risks
  • Invoice loans will be fragmented into smaller increments allowing investors to purchase loan fragments to reduce their risk profile and increase their diversification.
  • Who will use Invox Finance Platform
  • Sellers who have invoices they wish to sell to accelerate their cash-flow
  • Investors seeking higher rates of return and diversification of their investment portfolio
  • Buyers who will receive extended invoice payment periods and be rewarded for verifying invoices
  • Invox Token
  • In conjunction with the Invox Finance platform, an Invox Token will be created on the Ethereum Network.
  • Provide Acces
  • Invox Tokens will provide sellers with access to the Invox Finance Platform. Through the Trusted Member Program each seller will be required to pay a certain amount of Invox Tokens as a yearly membership to gain access to the platform.
  • Reward Work Performed
  • The system will reward buyers and sellers with Invox Tokens for the verification and payment of invoices.
  • Invox Token Dissemination
  • 45% Marketing
  • 20% Investment Fund
  • 15% System Development
  • 19% Services
  • 1% Misc Expenses
  • Initial Coin Offering
  • The rationale behind conducting the ICO is to pre-sell membership to the system through the sale of Invox Tokens.
The rationale behind conducting the ICO is to pre-sell membership to the system through the sale of Invox Tokens.
Invox Tokens will entitle holders to access the Invox Finance Platform through the Trusted Member Program. By participating in the Invox Finance two-stage fundraising process, you will be provided with an opportunity to aquire Invox Tokens at a discount.
The ICO will be conducted in two parts with a bonus system rewarding participants in the pre-ICO as well as during the ICO itself. The maximum amount of Invox Tokens being minted will be released at the start of the Pre-ICO, along with open source smart contracts on our Github.

Roadmap and Target

  • Stage 1
  • During the initial stages, the team will have invested over $500,000 AUD in cash into Invox Finance. This investment was used to create an initial community, develop this white paper, prepare to conduct an ICO, establish a system framework, and most importantly engineer the Dynamic Invoice Smart Contract.
  • Stage 2
  • The main objective will be to complete the pre-ICO stage, begin developing the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and complete the full ICO.
  • Stage 3
  • Once fully funded by the ICO, we will complete the MVP and commence rigorous user testing to ensure the release of a quality product.

The Team

  • Alex Mezhvinsky - Co-Founder
  • Adam Mezhvinsky - Co-Founder
  • Daniel Tang - Co-Founder
  • Victoria Mezhvinsky - In House Legal Counsel
  • Jose Luis Ramirez - Lead Software Engineer
  • Lucas Cullen - Lead Solidity Developer - Contractor
  • Henry Sit - Business Development Manager
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whitepaper :
Annthread :
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writer : Sidhay33
bitcointalk :;u=2054409
myeth : 0xCC85881B95643023EA2a9B6B60c3A55A71aa4C42

          IAGON Testing the Dragonchain AWS Commercial Serverless Platform

          Hi, here i want to share information about IAGON..
          We’re pleased to announce that on March 30th 2018 IAGON has been given early access to the closed Dragonchain AWS Serverless platform being a Dragonchain Partner. IAGON had the privilege to test the early release of the AWS commercial serverless platform which was initially released for their partners, fully a limited DSS based release starting April 5th, 2018 on Satoshi Nakamoto’s birthday.
          Dragonchain has partnered with IAGON to bring cloud solutions to the world. Furthermore, IAGON has been a part of a Dragonchain Incubator, which is focused on sponsoring and growing innovative companies in the blockchain space. Dragonchain provides features such as easy integration, protection of business data and operations, currency agnosticism, and multi-currency support. It is because of their great support and fantastic community feedback that we have also decided to open up our Pre-Sale exclusively to Dragonchain token holders (DRGN’s) on April 2nd at 12 pm PST.
          In the past few days IAGON’s members have been checking out the closed Dragonchain AWS Serverless platform and we couldn’t be more excited for the official launch so that users will be able to fully experience what we have had the opportunity to test. We believe this platform will bring great benefits to users and companies, while showcasing heightened significance in bringing blockchain companies to life. It will allow businesses to build capabilities, deploy and use them in a scalable way by implementing and leveraging blockchain technology, including currencies and proof of existence.
          About Iagon
          • IAGON is a platform for harnessing the storage capacities and processing power of multiple smart devices over a decentralized Blockchain/Tangle grid. IAGON utilizes and enables storing big data files and repositories, as well as smaller scales of files, and carries out complex computational processes, such as those needed for artificial intelligence and machine learning operations. IAGON operates a fully secure and encrypted platform that integrates blockchain/tangle, cryptographic and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in a user-friendly way. 
          • Under IAGON’s platform you can imagine a world where anyone can profit by joining a massive processing grid. IAGON will provide a fully automated platform for carrying out the storage and processing tasks of users on the basis of unutilized storage and processing capacities that are contributed by the “miners”. The miners will be able to convert the tokens back to fiat money, to accumulate them or to pay for similar services that they need with the tokens. For each transaction, IAGON will charge 10% commission and the rest of the tokens will be transferred to the miner. This decentralized cloud platform will operate two grids, i.e. a storage grid and a processing grid. Both grids operate on a Blockchain platform powered by Machine Learning capabilities to
          • optimize the allocation of tasks and files to miners.
          IAGON Mission:
          • IAGON’s major aim is to revolutionize the cloud and web services market by offering a decentralized grid of storage and processing. By joining the unused storage capacity in servers and personal computers and their processing power, we can create a super-computer and super data center that can compete with any of the current cloud computing moguls. 
          • We aim at providing companies and individuals storage and processing services at a fraction of the market prices and at a better security level by connecting data centers, business computers and personal users and utilizing their free storage capacities and their CPU and GPU processors during idle times. Doing so, IAGON overcomes the entry barriers imposed by the high level of investments required to compete in this market. Our token-based economy is based on computer, server and data center owners who join the storage and processing power grids.  In return for sharing the capabilities of their machine, they will be granted IAGON tokens that can be traded back to fiat money.
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          Sabtu, 28 April 2018

          Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Project

          Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Project.

          how are you fellow colleagues ,, here I want to share information about HAI Project ,,

          HAI Project created the first Artificial Intelligence Hybrid capable of detecting new cyber threats, traditional financial market opportunities and data applied to business intelligence. The ultimate goal of HAI is to provide the opportunity for small business owners to compete with large companies with millions of dollars destined to market research and marketing, have the opportunity to trade profitable and ultimately to protect themselves and their businesses from criminals around the world .

          The average dream person is financially free; Most people think of investing to get rich without enough research so they tend to lose a lot of money. The latest sector, the greatest opportunity for small business owners and even giants in the industry, is a way to know exactly what your prospect wants, who they are, where you can focus your attention and many other questions made by the business even before making the product can be answered by a large information study, known as Big Data but applied to what many business owners need Business Intelligence.

          • The HAI project was born with the thought of solving a problem that no one can solve for years and is more urgent to resolve as the problem gets bigger. Artificial Intelligence is the solution, creating a system capable of defeating thousands of people in just a fraction of an hour, saving thousands of hours and more importantly, saving money, a lot.
          • The HAI Token is intended to represent the true percentage of network strength, allowing users to use AI for purposes within the scope of the project, this will be done using a web application developed by the HAI Project team that will lock the token for a certain amount of time as well as users will be able to upload data to AI (guidance will be provided) and receive reports for the data. Initially the HAI token will be issued using the Ethereum Platform, creating 70,000,000 HAI. After the ICO is completed and the main block chain is launched, the swap token
          • planned, migrate to an independent network without congestion, large cost or scalability issues.
          • Lend HAl Token
          • To attract holders of HAl, Smart-Contract platforms will be released allowing users to lend their HAl tokens to other users who wish to use HAl for personal / business purposes. Loan Percentage increases up to 10% of total Loan token value, each token It will be taken from exchange with the most volume to take Liquidity as a factor.
          • The profit from the Loan program will be released at the same time as the HAl token. Each Smart-Contract created from our platform will differ according to the requirements of each user, referring to: Duration, Number of HAl required, and Option to extend the duration or / and quantity required, Lend with purchase options and so on. Customization comes from both sides of the application, which previously was from the buyer’s point of view, as for the token adjustment provider comes with the Loan preferences eg desired loan rate, loan processing duration, options to sell, options to extend the Loan time and other options.
          HAI Box
          • In order to hit the business sector in physical examples of large companies HAI will be provided to be connected within the corporate network, allowing HAI to shine in cyber security that works as a sheriff in a network that acts as a
          • almost every security network. devices commonly found within the network as well as for the financial sector, the same HAI box can be used, but with benefits, examine the daily actions of the broker and the results that
          • more accurate predictions in the future, but that is not the case, HAI examples can also function in research work by authorized agents.
          • A HAI Box is a physical device with the ability to run local instances of HAI (internet connection required) as it will act as an extension of HAI with a simplified dashboard and customized according to the client’s requirements. From a more technical perspective, each HAI Box will uniquely use normal computer components with a dedicated Linux distro created to interact with the main HAI network and with a limited set of capabilities to run only the activities specified in service contracts signed with clients to protect the borrower us and avoid network abuse.
          for more information :
          website :
          whitepaper :
          telegram :
          facebook :
          twitter :
          writer : sidhay33
          bitcointalk :;u=2054409
          myeth : 0xCC85881B95643023EA2a9B6B60c3A55A71aa4C42

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